route des églises romanes de la vallée de l'Ardèche
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Mur gouttereau sud
La nef et la tribune
The priory, nesting on a rocky promontory and overlooking the river
Ardèche, was first mentioned in the 12th century.
The place has retained its charm to this day, and the view it offers over
the surrounding hills is worth spending a little time there. The village's
name, "Nieigles" comes from the Latin for "eagle's nest" : "nidus

The original 12th century Romanesque church was repeatedly transformed over
the centuries, and studying its architecture is no simple matter.

The walls and arches, the Romanesque pillars and all the parts adorned with
moulded cornices are traces of the original building.

By the early 15th century, the church had become too small and chapels with
ogival arches in the Gothic manner were added. More transformations took
place in the 17th century, namely the addition of a sacristy and a bell
tower that, no matter how recent, took on a fairly Romanesque form.

A statue of the Virgin holding the Child, called the « Black Virgin » drew
flows of pilgrims to Nieigles, some of them on their way to Le Puy. The 75
cm, solid wood, partially gilded statue kept in the church in Pont de
Labeaume is a 17th century copy. The original was lost during the 16th
century religious wars. It belongs to the French Historical Buildings list.

Vitrail moderne
La nef vue de la tribune
Le choeur
Le clocher
Le clocher
Le clocher et le porche


Crédit photos : Sébastien Reynier